Are MySimplePetLab Tests Vet Approved?Updated a year ago
Yes. Simply put, pet owners now have direct access to some of the same professional tests as vets.
The types of tests available through MySimplePetLab are recommended, performed, analyzed, and acted upon by veterinarians every day.
The veterinarian founders created MySimplePetLab to deliver the trusted, reliable, reference lab quality pet tests they’ve used countless times with patients during years of clinical practice. MySimplePetLab is an innovative way to make these authentic tests more available.
The phrase “veterinary approved” gets used frequently to market all sorts of products to consumers but is not defined. It should mean the veterinary profession embraces the product, test, medicine, or procedure based on scientific merit and study, and not mean just one or a few vets thought it was cool.
When we say, “vet approved”, we mean the types of lab tests widely endorsed by the veterinary profession as best diagnostic medicine. MySimplePetLab brings these well-established diagnostics right to your door, using the same and often more advanced testing techniques than what veterinarians perform in their own practices.
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