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How Do I Collect Stool Sample?Updated a year ago

Activate Online BEFORE mailing sample!

1. Activate Test Kit Online: Before mailing sample, activate test kit with the 6-digit activation code on your instruction card.
*Please note: activating test kit is required to receive results

2. Collect sample: Wear gloves (included) and  fill test tube with FRESH stool using spoon on cap. Minimum amount required is 1/4 of the tube, however please fill entire tube if possible. Replace cap and place test tube within biohazard bag. Discard gloves in trash.

3. Mail From Home: Place sealed biohazard bag in the pre-paid return envelope and close. Mail sample to lab from any mailbox or post office (ice or refrigeration not needed). You will be alerted by email when results are ready.

You will be alerted by email when results are ready. Return postage includes USPS Priority shipping (2-3 business days). Need faster results? Mail overnight using USPS Priority Express, FedEx, or UPS. Click here to read instructions on how to upgrade shipping back to our lab.

Additional Questions? Chat us at, email [email protected], or call us at 833-PET-TEST (833-738-8378).

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